Module torpido.auditory

Audio de noising process: this class will read the audio file and using wavelet transforms a threshold will be added to each window with certain level

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Audio de noising process: this class will read the audio file and using
wavelet transforms a threshold will be added to each window with certain level

import gc

import numpy as np
import pywt
import soundfile
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from torpido.config import *

def mad(array):
    Median Absolute Deviation: a "Robust" version of standard deviation.
    Indices variability of the sample.

    Gives variance for the input signal

    array : numpy array
        input data from signal
    array =
    return np.median(np.abs(array - np.median(array)))

def plotSignals(inputData, cleanData):
    Plotting the input signal and the cleaned version.
    Not yet optimized. Heavy on memory

    Spectrogram plotting

    inputData : array
        input signal original
    cleanData : array
        cleaned signal
    plt.title('Spectrogram for original and cleaned signal')
    plt.specgram(inputData, Fs=44100)

    plt.specgram(cleanData, Fs=44100)

class Auditory:
    Audio de noising is done using Wavelet Transform on the input audio signal. The functions read
    the input audio signal in small portions and append the de-noised signal to the output audio
    file that is later merged with the input video file

    __fileName : str
        input audio file
    __rate : int
        sample rate of the audio signal in frequency
    __plot : bool
        plot the signal
    __info : object
        sound file object having the info of the audio file
    __energy : list
        list of the ranks for the audio signal
    __audioRankPath : str
        directory to store the rank of the audio
    __silenceThreshold : int
        threshold value to determine the rank
    __cache : Cache
        object of the cache to store the audio file info
    def __init__(self):
        self.__fileName = None
        self.__rate = None
        self.__data = None
        self.__plot = False
        self.__info = None
        self.__energy = None
        self.__audioRankPath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), RANK_DIR, RANK_OUT_AUDIO)
        self.__silenceThreshold = SILENCE_THRESHOlD
        self.__cache = Cache()

    def startProcessing(self, inputFile, outputFile, plot=False):
        Calculates the de noised signal based on the wavelets
        default wavelet is = db4, mode = per and thresh method = soft.

        The input audio is read in small portions de-noised and appended to the
        audio file in same manner. Also it supports multiple channels and the
        size of the input audio file and output audio files are same so no
        data loss.

        Uses the VISU Shrink thresholding for the noise in the audio signal

        Prints some debug and info Logs

        inputFile : str
            input audio file
        outputFile : str
            output audio file
        plot : bool
            True to plot the audio signal

        if os.path.isfile(inputFile) is False:
            Log.e(f"File {inputFile} does not exists")

        self.__fileName = inputFile
        self.__info =
        self.__rate = self.__info.samplerate
        self.__energy = []
        Log.i(f"Audio duration is {self.__info.duration}.")

        # creating and opening the output audio file
        with soundfile.SoundFile(outputFile, mode="w", samplerate=self.__rate, channels=self.__info.channels) as out:
            for block in soundfile.blocks(self.__fileName, int(self.__rate * self.__info.duration * AUDIO_BLOCK_PER)):
                # cal all coefficients
                coefficients = pywt.wavedec(block, WAVELET, DEC_REC_MODE)

                # getting the variance of the signal
                sigma = mad(coefficients[- WAVELET_LEVEL])

                # VISU Shrink thresholding by applying the universal threshold proposed by Donoho and Johnstone
                thresh = sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(len(block)))
                coefficients[1:] = (pywt.threshold(i, value=thresh, mode=WAVE_THRESH) for i in coefficients[1:])

                cleaned = pywt.waverec(coefficients, WAVELET, mode=DEC_REC_MODE)
                # recreating the audio signal in original form and writing to the output file

                # calculating the audio rank
                self.__energy.extend([self.__getEnergyRMS(block)] * max(1, int(len(block) / self.__rate)))

                if plot:
                    plotSignals(block.T[0], cleaned.T[0])

        dump(self.__energy, self.__audioRankPath)
        Log.i("Audio de noised successfully")
        Log.d(f"Audio ranking length {len(self.__energy)}")
        Log.i("Audio ranking saved .............")
        Log.d(f"Garbage collected :: {gc.collect()}")

    def __getEnergyRMS(self, block):
        RMS = Root Mean Square to calculate the signal data to the dB, if signal
        satisfies some threshold the ranking can be affected and audio portion
        can be ranked
        RMS -> square root of mean of squared data

        block : array
            input signal block

            rank for the portion which is then set for all the portion of data
        if np.sqrt(np.mean(block ** 2)) > self.__silenceThreshold:
            return RANK_AUDIO
        return 0

    def __setAudioInfo(self):
        self.__cache.writeDataToCache(CACHE_AUDIO_INFO, self.__info)

    def __del__(self):
        clean up
        del self.__cache
        Log.d("Cleaning up.")


def mad(array)

Median Absolute Deviation: a "Robust" version of standard deviation. Indices variability of the sample.

Gives variance for the input signal


array : numpy array
input data from signal
Expand source code
def mad(array):
    Median Absolute Deviation: a "Robust" version of standard deviation.
    Indices variability of the sample.

    Gives variance for the input signal

    array : numpy array
        input data from signal
    array =
    return np.median(np.abs(array - np.median(array)))
def plotSignals(inputData, cleanData)

Plotting the input signal and the cleaned version. Not yet optimized. Heavy on memory

Spectrogram plotting


inputData : array
input signal original
cleanData : array
cleaned signal
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def plotSignals(inputData, cleanData):
    Plotting the input signal and the cleaned version.
    Not yet optimized. Heavy on memory

    Spectrogram plotting

    inputData : array
        input signal original
    cleanData : array
        cleaned signal
    plt.title('Spectrogram for original and cleaned signal')
    plt.specgram(inputData, Fs=44100)

    plt.specgram(cleanData, Fs=44100)


class Auditory

Audio de noising is done using Wavelet Transform on the input audio signal. The functions read the input audio signal in small portions and append the de-noised signal to the output audio file that is later merged with the input video file


__fileName : str
input audio file
__rate : int
sample rate of the audio signal in frequency
__plot : bool
plot the signal
__info : object
sound file object having the info of the audio file
__energy : list
list of the ranks for the audio signal
__audioRankPath : str
directory to store the rank of the audio
__silenceThreshold : int
threshold value to determine the rank
__cache : Cache
object of the cache to store the audio file info
Expand source code
class Auditory:
    Audio de noising is done using Wavelet Transform on the input audio signal. The functions read
    the input audio signal in small portions and append the de-noised signal to the output audio
    file that is later merged with the input video file

    __fileName : str
        input audio file
    __rate : int
        sample rate of the audio signal in frequency
    __plot : bool
        plot the signal
    __info : object
        sound file object having the info of the audio file
    __energy : list
        list of the ranks for the audio signal
    __audioRankPath : str
        directory to store the rank of the audio
    __silenceThreshold : int
        threshold value to determine the rank
    __cache : Cache
        object of the cache to store the audio file info
    def __init__(self):
        self.__fileName = None
        self.__rate = None
        self.__data = None
        self.__plot = False
        self.__info = None
        self.__energy = None
        self.__audioRankPath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), RANK_DIR, RANK_OUT_AUDIO)
        self.__silenceThreshold = SILENCE_THRESHOlD
        self.__cache = Cache()

    def startProcessing(self, inputFile, outputFile, plot=False):
        Calculates the de noised signal based on the wavelets
        default wavelet is = db4, mode = per and thresh method = soft.

        The input audio is read in small portions de-noised and appended to the
        audio file in same manner. Also it supports multiple channels and the
        size of the input audio file and output audio files are same so no
        data loss.

        Uses the VISU Shrink thresholding for the noise in the audio signal

        Prints some debug and info Logs

        inputFile : str
            input audio file
        outputFile : str
            output audio file
        plot : bool
            True to plot the audio signal

        if os.path.isfile(inputFile) is False:
            Log.e(f"File {inputFile} does not exists")

        self.__fileName = inputFile
        self.__info =
        self.__rate = self.__info.samplerate
        self.__energy = []
        Log.i(f"Audio duration is {self.__info.duration}.")

        # creating and opening the output audio file
        with soundfile.SoundFile(outputFile, mode="w", samplerate=self.__rate, channels=self.__info.channels) as out:
            for block in soundfile.blocks(self.__fileName, int(self.__rate * self.__info.duration * AUDIO_BLOCK_PER)):
                # cal all coefficients
                coefficients = pywt.wavedec(block, WAVELET, DEC_REC_MODE)

                # getting the variance of the signal
                sigma = mad(coefficients[- WAVELET_LEVEL])

                # VISU Shrink thresholding by applying the universal threshold proposed by Donoho and Johnstone
                thresh = sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(len(block)))
                coefficients[1:] = (pywt.threshold(i, value=thresh, mode=WAVE_THRESH) for i in coefficients[1:])

                cleaned = pywt.waverec(coefficients, WAVELET, mode=DEC_REC_MODE)
                # recreating the audio signal in original form and writing to the output file

                # calculating the audio rank
                self.__energy.extend([self.__getEnergyRMS(block)] * max(1, int(len(block) / self.__rate)))

                if plot:
                    plotSignals(block.T[0], cleaned.T[0])

        dump(self.__energy, self.__audioRankPath)
        Log.i("Audio de noised successfully")
        Log.d(f"Audio ranking length {len(self.__energy)}")
        Log.i("Audio ranking saved .............")
        Log.d(f"Garbage collected :: {gc.collect()}")

    def __getEnergyRMS(self, block):
        RMS = Root Mean Square to calculate the signal data to the dB, if signal
        satisfies some threshold the ranking can be affected and audio portion
        can be ranked
        RMS -> square root of mean of squared data

        block : array
            input signal block

            rank for the portion which is then set for all the portion of data
        if np.sqrt(np.mean(block ** 2)) > self.__silenceThreshold:
            return RANK_AUDIO
        return 0

    def __setAudioInfo(self):
        self.__cache.writeDataToCache(CACHE_AUDIO_INFO, self.__info)

    def __del__(self):
        clean up
        del self.__cache
        Log.d("Cleaning up.")


def startProcessing(self, inputFile, outputFile, plot=False)

Calculates the de noised signal based on the wavelets default wavelet is = db4, mode = per and thresh method = soft.

The input audio is read in small portions de-noised and appended to the audio file in same manner. Also it supports multiple channels and the size of the input audio file and output audio files are same so no data loss.

Uses the VISU Shrink thresholding for the noise in the audio signal

Prints some debug and info Logs


inputFile : str
input audio file
outputFile : str
output audio file
plot : bool
True to plot the audio signal
Expand source code
def startProcessing(self, inputFile, outputFile, plot=False):
    Calculates the de noised signal based on the wavelets
    default wavelet is = db4, mode = per and thresh method = soft.

    The input audio is read in small portions de-noised and appended to the
    audio file in same manner. Also it supports multiple channels and the
    size of the input audio file and output audio files are same so no
    data loss.

    Uses the VISU Shrink thresholding for the noise in the audio signal

    Prints some debug and info Logs

    inputFile : str
        input audio file
    outputFile : str
        output audio file
    plot : bool
        True to plot the audio signal

    if os.path.isfile(inputFile) is False:
        Log.e(f"File {inputFile} does not exists")

    self.__fileName = inputFile
    self.__info =
    self.__rate = self.__info.samplerate
    self.__energy = []
    Log.i(f"Audio duration is {self.__info.duration}.")

    # creating and opening the output audio file
    with soundfile.SoundFile(outputFile, mode="w", samplerate=self.__rate, channels=self.__info.channels) as out:
        for block in soundfile.blocks(self.__fileName, int(self.__rate * self.__info.duration * AUDIO_BLOCK_PER)):
            # cal all coefficients
            coefficients = pywt.wavedec(block, WAVELET, DEC_REC_MODE)

            # getting the variance of the signal
            sigma = mad(coefficients[- WAVELET_LEVEL])

            # VISU Shrink thresholding by applying the universal threshold proposed by Donoho and Johnstone
            thresh = sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(len(block)))
            coefficients[1:] = (pywt.threshold(i, value=thresh, mode=WAVE_THRESH) for i in coefficients[1:])

            cleaned = pywt.waverec(coefficients, WAVELET, mode=DEC_REC_MODE)
            # recreating the audio signal in original form and writing to the output file

            # calculating the audio rank
            self.__energy.extend([self.__getEnergyRMS(block)] * max(1, int(len(block) / self.__rate)))

            if plot:
                plotSignals(block.T[0], cleaned.T[0])

    dump(self.__energy, self.__audioRankPath)
    Log.i("Audio de noised successfully")
    Log.d(f"Audio ranking length {len(self.__energy)}")
    Log.i("Audio ranking saved .............")
    Log.d(f"Garbage collected :: {gc.collect()}")