Module wavelet.compression.compressor_peak

Compression using the difference of the max & min data in the signal

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""" Compression using the difference of the max & min data in the signal """

import numpy as np

from wavelet.compression.compressor import Compressor

class CompressorPeak:
    The magnitude calculated will be used to threshold the data signal, the
    output generated would be the compressed signal with zeros that was threhold
    by the algorithm

    __max: float
        the maximum value in the data
    __min: float
        the minimum value in the data
    __magnitude: float
        the calculated threshold value
    __compressor: Compressor
        object that performs the compression with the calculated magnitude value

    def __init__(self):
        self.__max = None
        self.__min = None
        self.__magnitude = 0.
        self.__compressor = Compressor()

    def compress(self, data):
        Perform calculation of the magnitude that is the difference of the highest and lowest
        peaks on the input data, this magnitude is then use to the threshold the signal

        Look at the Compressor to see the implementation

        data: array_like
            input signal, mostly output of the decomposition process

            thresholded signal
        data = np.asanyarray(data)

        self.__max = np.max(data)
        self.__min = np.min(data)
        self.__magnitude = 0.5 * (self.__max - self.__min)

        return self.__compressor.compress(data, self.__magnitude)

    def getCompressionRate(self, data):
        Returns the compression rate of the final data that was thresholded

        data: array_like
            data to check the compression rate for

            compression rate in percentage
        return self.__compressor.calculateCompressionRate(data)

    def getMagnitude(self):
        return self.__magnitude


class CompressorPeak

The magnitude calculated will be used to threshold the data signal, the output generated would be the compressed signal with zeros that was threhold by the algorithm


__max : float
the maximum value in the data
__min : float
the minimum value in the data
__magnitude : float
the calculated threshold value
__compressor : Compressor
object that performs the compression with the calculated magnitude value
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class CompressorPeak:
    The magnitude calculated will be used to threshold the data signal, the
    output generated would be the compressed signal with zeros that was threhold
    by the algorithm

    __max: float
        the maximum value in the data
    __min: float
        the minimum value in the data
    __magnitude: float
        the calculated threshold value
    __compressor: Compressor
        object that performs the compression with the calculated magnitude value

    def __init__(self):
        self.__max = None
        self.__min = None
        self.__magnitude = 0.
        self.__compressor = Compressor()

    def compress(self, data):
        Perform calculation of the magnitude that is the difference of the highest and lowest
        peaks on the input data, this magnitude is then use to the threshold the signal

        Look at the Compressor to see the implementation

        data: array_like
            input signal, mostly output of the decomposition process

            thresholded signal
        data = np.asanyarray(data)

        self.__max = np.max(data)
        self.__min = np.min(data)
        self.__magnitude = 0.5 * (self.__max - self.__min)

        return self.__compressor.compress(data, self.__magnitude)

    def getCompressionRate(self, data):
        Returns the compression rate of the final data that was thresholded

        data: array_like
            data to check the compression rate for

            compression rate in percentage
        return self.__compressor.calculateCompressionRate(data)

    def getMagnitude(self):
        return self.__magnitude


def compress(self, data)

Perform calculation of the magnitude that is the difference of the highest and lowest peaks on the input data, this magnitude is then use to the threshold the signal

Look at the Compressor to see the implementation


data : array_like
input signal, mostly output of the decomposition process


thresholded signal
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def compress(self, data):
    Perform calculation of the magnitude that is the difference of the highest and lowest
    peaks on the input data, this magnitude is then use to the threshold the signal

    Look at the Compressor to see the implementation

    data: array_like
        input signal, mostly output of the decomposition process

        thresholded signal
    data = np.asanyarray(data)

    self.__max = np.max(data)
    self.__min = np.min(data)
    self.__magnitude = 0.5 * (self.__max - self.__min)

    return self.__compressor.compress(data, self.__magnitude)
def getCompressionRate(self, data)

Returns the compression rate of the final data that was thresholded


data : array_like
data to check the compression rate for


compression rate in percentage
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def getCompressionRate(self, data):
    Returns the compression rate of the final data that was thresholded

    data: array_like
        data to check the compression rate for

        compression rate in percentage
    return self.__compressor.calculateCompressionRate(data)
def getMagnitude(self)
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def getMagnitude(self):
    return self.__magnitude